The Memorial Tribute Fund

Memorial and tribute contributions are gifts to the Sam Houston Area Council’s endowment and are a gratifying way for individuals, businesses, or groups to remember special friends. Your special donation in memory or honor of an extraordinary individual in your life will be acknowledged and handled with great care. Tributes are suitable for special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, or holidays.

Memorial and tribute notifications will be mailed and serve as a unique way to honor those close to you. You can mail or fax the form below or complete your gift online.

Online Form        

More Information

For information on ways you can make a difference by leaving your legacy on Scouting, please contact visit the Planned Giving WebsiteFor more information about the endowment programs of the Sam Houston Area Council, please contact:


Travis Briner
Director of Development
 The Memorial Tribute Fund:  Sam Houston Area Council, 2225 N Loop W., Houston, Texas 77008-1311
(713) 756-3370